Saturday, April 17, 2010

A little like candy

(This is how it felt the fateful night when I faked it)

A Little Like Candy

By Sarah McKeever Hitt

You taste a bit like candy
And you smell a little like hatred
Your face reminds me of grass stains
And you make me feel alone
Your hand on my arm is like fire
And the bartender seems to notice
He covers my wounds with poison in a glass
And I thank him with a five dollar bill
Saved by the beats of the speakers
And I am grateful for the effects.
I close my eyes to feel alive
And let the music saves me.
The air reeks of tequila
And it makes me want to kiss you
The music vibrates my bones
And I just want to cry.
My head is spinning like mad
And I stay in this moment too long
My flesh is shivering and wet
And you are dry as a bone.